Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Carve it Again!

I'm in the process of moving this week, so there hasn't been a lot of time for letterboxing. That hasn't stopped me, of course, from compulsively checking Atlas Quest for new things, nor from getting a few things done. Like picking up a couple sheets of that plumber's gasket stuff I heard about. Lowe's calls it "rubber packing sheet".

I attempted a re-carve of FLeFLKR using that instead of the eraser material. Almost pulled it off, too, but wound up cutting through some essential detail. Good practice, nevertheless. I did manage to complete my third official carve last night, which is also my second attempt with the gasket material. I am reasonably pleased with the result, which I'm calling the Angreh Tomayta.

My carves thus far are fairly crude, but since I'm only on my third one this doesn't worry me at all. They're mine, they're originals, and they're hand-carved, and according to The Letterboxer's Code that makes 'em special. I'll probably launch this new addition as a hitch hiker or a flea. Eventually. Probably not before I use it to make some limited letterboxer trading cards (LTCs).

And I think I'll need to mount this one. It's about an inch square and rather flat, which apparently leads to very inky fingers once you start stamping.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I just found your blog via the Atlasquest site. I'm actually in the process of trying to buy a house and move as well, weird serendipity there.

    I just started letterboxing, but I am starting to dig it more than Geocaching. I'm new to carving so I'm glad I can read other blogs with similar interests as well.
