Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Things I Learned from My First Hunt

1. It's been *way* too long since I did anything significant outdoors.
2. Slacks are great for casual wear, but denim wins out in the woods.
3. The first thing to do after arriving on site: find a good stick.
4. Step carefully. Broken foliage uglies things up and is a dead giveaway that somebody was there looking for something. Think of it this way: would you want to start your next hunt on a trail where the scenery's been trampled down or torn apart?
5. Given a choice between series boxes and singletons, hunt the series boxes early so you don't run out of daylight. Last Sunday I found my singletons quickly but had to call off the search before I could complete the series I was working on. Had I reversed that, I'd have likely finished the series and just gone home without one of the singletons.
6. I really do enjoy the dumb looks coming from people who wonder what in the heck I'm doing poking at tree stumps with a stick.

Some bonus insights for future hunts:

* Gloves and insect repellent are going on my "must include" list for my carry pack.
* The importance of trail mix and Gatorade is not to be underestimated. I was very glad to have taken some along.
* Stealth isn't *really* all that hard, but it's going to take some practice to stop leaving trample marks and broken branches behind. I'm workin' on it!
* A camera. Take a camera next time! Not a "must", perhaps, but ya never know.

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